Bart Dougherty (1921 – 2006)
Born January 21, 1921 in
Newark NJ, Capt. Bart Dougherty exemplifies the spirit of
service and loyalty espoused by Irish Republicans. A
graduate of Seton Hall College and the NY City Police
Academy, he served in the US. Coast Guard from 1942 to 1946.
Assigned to the U.S.S. Bayfield, he took part in many
decisive battles of World War II including the Normandy, Iwo
Jima, and Okinawa invasions. He remains a member of the
Veterans of Foreign wars and the Disabled American Veterans
An officer with the Essex County Sheriffs Office, Capt. Dougherty ended a long career in 1983, retiring as Captain of County Detectives. He has served as President of both the NJ State Prosecutors Detective Association and the Essex County Detectives Association. He also headed the Organized Crime Squad of the Essex County Prosecutor's Office under then-prosecutor Brendan Byrne.
Capt. Dougherty’s many contributions to the cause of Irish Freedom include a legal suit against Harpers magazine for Irish slurs, as well as his landmark lawsuit against then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in an attempt to gain visas for Maire Drumm and Ruairi O’Bradaigh in 1976. His efforts were recognized when he was invited to attend the Annual Sinn Fein Ard-Fheis in Dublin before the split in 1986.
Capt. Dougherty, together with his close friend Bernie Mackle, are widely known for the near-legendary "England Get Out of Ireland" banner. In 1972, while marching in a Dublin parade, Bart and Bernie suddenly unfurled the banner, causing great consternation amongst the Free State authorities of the time.
In yet another example of the dedication shown by Capt. Dougherty, he and Bernie Mackle, again with the banner, did not miss the opportunity to "welcome" the arrival of Her Royal Highness to New York. This banner has since made the rounds of every major parade in North America, making it a great part of our Republican heritage here in the United States.
Always concerned with the plight of Irish Political Prisoners, Capt. Dougherty was a member of the Irish Political Prisoners Legal Aid Committee in NY and made visits to Irish Political Prisoners both in Ireland and in the United States. His presence was also felt at many trials, including the trial of the Baltimore 4 and that of Brendan McGill in Dublin.
Also participating in Irish-American cultural activities, Capt. Dougherty served four terms as President of the Essex County Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh and was a leading member in the Ocean County unit of Irish Northern Aid. He founded the International Gaelic Hall of Fame, which was dedicated to honoring those that made major contributions to the cause of Irish Freedom. While in office, the Honorable Peter J Rodino was one of the first to be inducted.
Capt. Dougherty is married to Teresa McKeever Dougherty of County Leitrim, Ireland.
cemetery AND grave location
Name: Saint Catharine's Cemetery PHONE NO. (732) 449-5756
ADDRESS: 1000 West
Chicago Blvd, Sea Girt, Monmouth County, NJ 08750