Ella Young (1867 - 1956)
Literary Revivalist, Irish Republican, Teacher, Poet, Writer and
The Red Sunrise by
Ella Young
O, it's dark the land is, amd it's dark my heart is,
But the red sun rises when the hour is come.
O, the red sun rises, and the dead rise; I can see them,
And my own boy and Conn, who won the battles,
And the lads who lost.
They have bright swords with them that clash the battle welcome.
A welcome to the red sun that rises with our luck.
Young was born on December 25, 1867, in Fenagh, Co. Antrim, Ireland
to James Bristow Young, a corn broker, and Matilda Ann Russell
Young, She was the oldest of six children, five girls and one boy.
Although the Young's were middle class Presbyterians, they were not
members of the ruling Protestant Ascendency, a predatory institution
consisting solely of members of the Established Protestant Churches
of England and Ireland. Presbyterians were not trusted by the
British or their vassals in Ireland, consequently they were also
victims of the Penal Laws, albeit, to a lesser extent than the
native Irish.
For reasons possibly related to
business, the Young family moved residence a number of times during
Ella's youth, first to Limerick, and later to Portarlington in Co.
Laois. In the late 1880's or early 1890's the family's final move
was to a residence in Grosvenor Square in Rathmines, Dublin After
moving there Ella became a friend and protégé of Irish nationalist
and writer, George William Russell who also resided in Grosvenor
Ella attended Alexandra College in
nearby Milltown. None of the Irish colleges including Alexandra
College could award recognized degrees as they were not granted the
necessary royal charter. In order to graduate, students including
Ella, took their final exams at the Royal University of Ireland.
Ella graduated from there with a BA degree in law and political
science in 1898.
During her student years she became a
member of the Theosophical Society whose members engaged in the
comparative study of religion, science and philosophy and the
practice of self-realization. Her membership in the society brought
her in contact with intellectuals and artists who were also
interested in spiritualism and the meaning of life. Later on, she
became a member of the Hermetic Society after George W. Russell took
over control in 1898. Members of that Society included such
literary and political notables as
James Connolly, Padraic Colum, Seamus O'Sullivan and Standish
James O'Grady placed great emphasis on meditation and considered the
occult an alternative to scientific materialism and established
dogmatic religions.
After graduating Ella became a teacher,
one of the few professions open to young women whether protestant or
catholic at that time.
At the turn of the century Ella's circle
of friends and collaborators in the Irish Literary Revival movement
included W. B. Yeats,
Maud Gonne,
Padraic Pearse, Isabella Augusta (Lady Gregory) and many other
distinguished writers, poets and artists. The essence of their
writings, lectures, plays and oratory was idealistic, nationalistic
and patriotic intended to invoke in the nation's psyche a sense of
self-worth, freedom and nationhood. The fervor generated by their
efforts spawned several nationalistic leaning organizations,
institutions and trade unions including The Gaelic League, Inghinidhe
na hEireann, Sinn Fein, St. Enda's School, Na Fianna Eireann, Cumann
na mBan and the Irish Volunteers. Most of these organizations were
involved to some extent in the 1916 Easter Rising, the War of
Independence and the war caused by the signing of the Anglo-Irish
Treaty in December 1921.
Influenced and motivated by such
talented individuals and lofty ideals Ella, inadvertently, became
deeply immersed in the study of Irish history, nationalism and the
struggle for Irish independence. To that end she spent a
considerable amount of time in the west of Ireland learning Irish,
collecting fairy tales, tales of yore, and studying the ways and
customs of the people of the west, a people she considered
comfortable and confident in their Irishness, aloof and immune to
Shortly after Maud Gonne founded
Inghinidhe na hEireann (Daughters of Ireland) in 1900 Ella attended
one her lectures in Dublin. She was impressed with Maud's courage in
criticizing the widespread use of evictions and other abuses by the
British overseers in Ireland at a time when criticism could result
in arrest and imprisonment.
Soon after attending that lecture Ella
joined Inghinidhe na hEireann and worked closely with Maud teaching
young Irish girls about the country's past and explaining how they
could make a difference by joining the organization and working to
achieve gender equality and better working conditions for women.
Ella became a close friend of Padraic
Pearse and occasionally lectured on Celtic Mythology to students at
St. Enda's School Irish-speaking school founded by Pearse in 1908.
In addition to her work for the
societies and organizations she was affiliated with as well as her
prolonged periods or research in the west of Ireland she found time
to write children's books on Celtic mythology including The
Coming Of Lugh published in 1905 and Celtic Wonder
Tales published in 1910. Her book of verse, The Rose
of Heaven, published in 1920 was illustrated by Maud Gonne
In 1912 Ella went to live in Temple
Hill, a dilapidated farmhouse she renovated in Co. Wicklow. It was
during her time there that she became directly involved in the
preparations leading up to the 1916 Easter Rising. After Erskine
Childers yacht
The Asgard unloaded its cache of weapons in Howth
harbor on July 26, 1914 a considerable quantity of the cache was
hidden in a cellar in the farmhouse. It was Ella's job to ensure
that the weapons were distributed to the intended recipients. This
was accomplished by notes passed under the door instructing her to
give X number of rifles to so-and-so caller who would use a
prearranged password to gain access. The caller would deliver the
rifles into the hands of the Volunteers.
At the onset of WWI in 1914, in an act
of folly, John Redmond, the leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party
(IPP) called on the Irish Volunteers to enlist in the British army.
Those who heeded his call were sent to the Western Front and far
off Gallipoli. Mounting casualties within their ranks coupled with
the execution of Easter Rising leaders by the British resulted in
the demise of the IPP.
The women of Cumann na mBan vehemently
opposed Redmond's call and worked tirelessly to convince young
Irishmen not to enlist, reasoning that they should serve Ireland's
cause instead of expansionist aims of the British Empire. In the
General Election of 1918, the IPP won only (6) of the 125 seats
Ella had left Temple Hill and was back
in Rathmines some months before the Easter Rising. She took no
direct part in the Rising nor did she have any knowledge of when it
was scheduled to take place. She was distressed that the initial
call- to-arms by the Army Council was countermanded by the Irish
Volunteers Chief-of-Staff, Eoin MacNeill.
His countermanding order caused confusion in Volunteer units
throughout the country and instead of having to deal with a
nationwide Rising the British only had to deal with one major Rising
in Dublin and smaller ones in Meath, Wexford, and Galway.
After the Rising and the execution of
its leaders, Ella left Dublin to avoid possible arrest as her rebel
activities had attracted the attention of British intelligence. She
laid low in Waterford and in Achill Island of the Mayo coast. When
her friend Countess Markievicz's was released from prison in June of
1917 she joined Cumann na mBan. She returned to Dublin in 1919 and
resumed her rebel activities, hiding arms and ammunition and
smuggling weapons and, on occasions, helped escaped prisoners and
on-the-run Volunteers get out of Dublin safely during the War of
After a Truce went into effect in July
of 1920 Erskine Childers sent Ella to Kerry to meet with
representatives of the IRA to deliver details of the Truce and to
gauge their reaction. Their attitude was, at best, ambivalent as was
the reaction of other IRA units throughout the country.
Their ambivalence was well founded as
provisions of the ensuing Anglo-Irish Treaty signed in December of
1921 fell far short of the Proclamation of 1916. Ireland would not
be an all-Ireland Republic, instead it was partitioned into two
sectarian entities: the 26 county Irish Free State and the 6-county
state of Northern Ireland.
In the minds of those who fought for the
Republic proclaimed in 1916 the Treaty amounted to total
capitulation to the British. In June of 1922 hostilities broke
out between anti-treaty Republicans Volunteers and pro-treaty
British backed Free State forces. At the onset of hostilities, the
Free State had 7,000 men under arms; the Republicans had 17,000
poorly armed men. At the end of the war Free State forces had
swelled to 55,000 men. Most, if not all, of those who joined the
Free State were former Irish Volunteers who heeded Redmond's call
who had survived the Western Front or the Gallipoli campaign. They
were generally unemployed and signed-up the money. Other amongst
them also signed-up for the money and the chance to hit out at those
Irish Volunteers who, in 1914, refused to heed Redmond, opting
instead to fight the British usurper for Irish freedom.
Ella sided with the anti-Treaty
Republican Volunteers as did the vast majority of the women of
Cumann na mBan. For the duration of the hostilities, she hid arms
and ammunition and smuggled weapons as she did leading up to the
Easter Rising and during the War of Independence. In her memoirs she
recalled how a Thompson sub machine gun was hidden under the
floorboards when the house was raided by Free State troops. Luckily
for her they did not find it.
Hostilities ended in May of 1923 with a
Free State victory achieved with the help of British intelligence,
an unlimited supply of British arms and equipment, a boundless
stream of ex-British army veterans and the money to pay for their
After hostilities ended "Ireland's
Age of Enlightenment" spearheaded by the Irish
Literary Revival movement also ended. It was
replaced by a despotic Free State regime who ruled by fear,
retaliation, executions, internment and censorship whose roots
extended back to the Land League War of the early 1880's. That war
resulted in the slow decline of the ruling Protestant Ascendency. In
its place another pro-British Ascendency emerged, comprised of an
alliance between the Catholic Hierarchy and the IPP.
The main focus of the IPP was home rule
for Ireland within the confines of the British Empire. Such an
arrangement would offer its leaders limited control over domestic
affairs. The IPP was adamant in its resolve to continue
discriminating against women if or when it achieved Home Rule.
The Free State party, Cumann na
nGaedheal, that took control after the Treaty War embodied the same
policies and misogynist tendencies as the IPP with an added
advantage that the IPP never had -- the unbridled power to punish
their adversaries. Republicans were hunted down imprisoned,
marginalized or forced into exile. For thousands of Republicans the
situation in Ireland became untenable and those who could left,
sadly for most never to return. Such was the situation for Ella. The
Ireland that she had grown to love had turned into a foreboding
In 1925 Ella availed of the opportunity
to leave Ireland when invited by a lecture tour agent in New York to
give a series of lectures on Celtic mythology and culture at various
venues along the east coast. Her tour started at Columbia
University in New York and from there proceeded to Vassar College in
the Hudson Valley and Smith College in Boston. She also lectured at
venues in Washington DC, and numerous other venues along the east
coast and the mid-west.
When her east coast lecture tour ended
in 1926, she journeyed by train to the west coast stopping along the
way at the Grand Canyon, in New Mexico and at other places of
interest along the train route. After arriving in Pasadena her agent
arranged a series of lectures at various colleges, clubs,
classrooms, libraries and halls up and down the west coast.
When Ella first arrived in the United
States, she did so on a temporary visa expecting to leave after her
lecture ended. In 1930 she visited Canada for the purpose of
reentering the U.S. with a work visa and become an American citizen,
however, the American Vice-Consul in Vancouver held up her
application, purportedly, because of her age. After several months
and a firestorm of letters to the State Department from influential
friend and fellow academics and pointed questions to President
Hoover she was admitted back in with the desired visa. Shortly
after been readmitted she became an American citizen
For the next number of years, Ella
lectured at the University of California at Berkeley on Celtic
Mythology oftentimes dressed as a Druid in long flowing purple
robes. Her lectured were well attended sometimes drawing as many as
500 people from within and without the university.
During her years in California, Ella had
journeyed to Toas and other destinations in New Mexico on a number
of occasions. It was there that she came to know and spend time
with renowned photographer Ansel Adams and his wife Virginia. She
also met
Ernie O'Malley a fellow traveler, Georgia O'Keefe and numerous
other artists and writers who made Taos their home.
After Ella retired in the late 1930's
she moved to Halcyon, a Theosophical commune near Oceano, in
northern California where she had spent some time shortly after
arriving in California. She bought a little cottage on an acre of
land close to the beach and the dunes she loved and revered. She
named the cottage "Cluan Ard" which, became a meeting place for her
many visitors as well as her eclectic circle friends, the Dunnites,
who lived amongst the dunes.
It was there she completed her
autobiography, "Flowering Dusk: Things Remembered Accurately
and Inaccurately" in two volumes. Volume I dealt with her
life in Ireland and Volume II, with her life in America as an author
of children's books, a lecturer on Irish literature and mythology
and a member of literary and artistic circles in the western states.
Over the years Ella donated manuscripts,
books and artwork to various libraries and museums. Although she
never returned to Ireland she remained in contact with her family
and extended financial assistance her struggling sisters in their
old age.
Toward the end of her life Ella suffered from terminal stomach
cancer. On July 23, 1956, Ella passed away at Cluan Ard in a manner
of her own choosing, She left few instructions regarding her funeral
other than having expressed a desire to have her remains cremated
and her ashes scattered in a Redwood grove.
In October of
1956, several of Ella's friend gathered at the site selected for the
scattering of her ashes on the property of her old friend William
Lyman near St. Helena in Napa Valley. After William Lyman scattered
the ashes Jane Redmond Thompson, a save the redwoods advocate, read
the following old Celtic prayer that Ella had requested
"Oh Earth, Mother and Goddess, to thee we give back this body
purified by fire, may the winds be comrade to it, may the rain be a
benediction, mat the stars look on it with kindness, may the sun
evoke blossoms from this dust.
It is common knowledge that Ella's ashes were scattered amongst the
Redwoods north of Napa Valley as she had requested. However, there
is a grave marker in a cemetery in Santa Marie inscribed with Ella's
name, date of birth and date of death. Prevailing wisdom has it that
her ashes was divided into two parts; one part interned in the
cemetery and the other scattered amongst the Redwoods.
Contributor; Tomás Ó Coısdealbha
cemetery AND grave location NAME: Santa Maria Cemetery ADDRESS:
1501 S College Dr, Santa Maria, CA 93454 LOCATION:
Grave 7, Plot 736, Section 5
