James Orr (1770 -
Bard of Ballycarry, United Irishman, 1798 Rising
James Orr, an only child, was born to James Orr and his wife in the
village of Ballycarry between Larne and Carrickfergus in Co. Antrim in
1770. James’s father was a weaver by trade who also
cultivated a small tract of land on the outskirts of the village to
supplement the family’s larder.
The village of Ballycarry was established by a Scottish personage,
William Edmonstone of Duntreagh, during the Plantation of Ulster in the
early decades of the 17th century. The Orr’s were one of the
settler families brought to Ballycarry by Edmonstone to maintain and
defend his considerable estate of 3,000 acres of arable land confiscated
from native landowners. The settlers included clerics, farmers,
craftsmen and overseers possessing the necessary skills to establish,
maintain and secure a plantation settlement on confiscated land.
Many of those settlers, including the Orr family were members of the
Auld Licht (Old Light) faction of the Presbyterian Kirk (Church) who
subscribed to a very conservative interpretation of Presbyterianism. As
a consequence, James was not allowed to attend the local Presbyterian
school because his parents believed that the teacher, who was a New
Licht (New Light) Presbyterian, would expose James to a more liberal
interpretation of Presbyterianism: an anathema to members of the
conservative faction.
Orr’s education, a product of his parents’ austere beliefs, was limited
to reading, writing and the intricacies of the weaving trade. His
exposure to rhyming, a basic component of poetry, was at Sunday school
where it was the preferred way of learning and singing the Psalms at
Sunday service. Another source of his learning was through his
association with a local book club where he had access to books,
newspapers and other reading materials that afforded him a window to the
outside world. .
Orr made a living as a weaver. As weaving was a tedious and repetitive
task he bided his time at the loom pondering and contemplating on many
temporal subjects including the unequal state of affairs that subjugated
so many poor souls to the whims of the chosen elite. Many of the
subjects he pondered found expression in his poems using words,
expressions and subjects that could be easily understood by members of
the local community who supported and subscribed to his poetic
Despite his lack of a formal education, Orr was not deterred in his
pursuit of knowledge, particularly with regard to the forces that held
sway over his time, life and fortune. He was an avid reader who, in his
lifetime, penned hundreds of poems. His poems told stories of his
surroundings, local events, battles of the 1798 Rising, exile,
nationalism and many other subjects from the mundane to the radical. He
was regarded as one of the best of Ulster Weaver poets who, together
with other poets and writers, spearheaded the literary revival and
cultural nationalism of the late 18th century. His body of
work penned in both the Ulster-Scots vernacular and English has been
compared favorably with that of Robert Burns the Scottish poet of “Auld
Lang Syne” fame.
He was familiar with and influenced by Americas fight for independence
and the forces and ideals that spearheaded that quest. He was also aware
that many of its leaders were of the same Scotch-Irish heritage as he
was. He was not alone in that regard as many of his Presbyterian
contemporaries who were also victims of the same despotic colonial
usurpation that the American patriots so ably dispatched.
Orr came of age during the Europe’s Age of Enlightenment alternatively
referred to as Age of Reason. The Age of Enlightenment was an 18th
century philosophical movement that challenged the validity of
traditional authority including that of entrenched monarchies and
ecclesiastical authorities. The core of Enlightenmen thinking was
that ideas born of rational thought and subjected to critical thinking
and logical discourse, particularly as related to the prevailing social
order, would best serve the collective interests of the people. Such
ideas, radical for that time, included personal freedom, property
constitutional government,
and separation of church and state.
The progression of that philosophy over a century or so, culminated in
the American Revolution, the convulsive French Revolution of 1789 and
the subsequent publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and
Citizen. The first of these events, the successful American Revolution
with its attendant high ideals of tolerance, liberty and democracy was
the catalyst that spawned populist movements throughout the world right
up to the present time.
Ireland was one of the first oppressed nations to follow the American
example. Irish
patriots who believed that the English government should cede control of
Irish affairs to an Irish parliament and that the draconian Penal Laws(1)
should be repealed as a matter of basic justice. In furtherance of those
modest demands
Theobald Wolfe Tone, Thomas Russell,
Henry Joy McCracken and William Drennan and other patriots
founded the Society of United Irishmen in Belfast in
October 1791. Orr may have joined the Society at the inaugural
meeting or, if not, did so shortly thereafter.
In 1792 when the Society published a politically radical newspaper
titled the Northern Star Orr was one of its first contributors. The
newspaper, which was edited by
Samuel Neilson, was described by Walter
Cox a United Irishman, journalist and publisher of another radical
newspaper the 'Union Star', as follows:
"a planet of light and heat; its influences were commensurate with its
circulation and its circulation was only restricted by the ocean. It
warmed the cold; it animated the feeble; it cheered the afflicted; it
stimulated the intrepid and instructed all. Pernicious dogmas, false
reasoning’s, slavish superstitions and gothic prejudices, which broke
the people into different sects and marshalled them against each other,
disappeared before it".
When the French declared war on Britain in February of 1793 the British
government outlawed the Society fearing an alliance between the Society
and the French. After been outlawed the Society went underground and
adopted a new policy anchored in Irish Republicanism; a policy
that was radical, strident
and uncompromising in its intent. The policy statement coined by Wolfe
Tone reads as follows;
"To subvert the tyranny of our execrable government, to
break the connection with England, the never-failing source of all our
political evils, and to assert the independence of my country, these
were my objects. To unite the whole people of Ireland, to abolish the
memory of past dissensions, and to substitute the common name of
Irishman, in place of the denominations of Protestant, Catholic and
Dissenter, these were my means".
Orr was not deterred in his commitment to the Society as a result of the
new militant policy that amounted to an unabashed an act of defiance
directed at the British government. From that time on insurrection was
not a question of ‘if’' but when. The first attempt was in December of
1796 when a French fleet of 41 ships carrying an invasion force of
14,000 men, under the command of General Hoche, failed to land at Bantry
Bay in Co. Cork due to winter storms. The fleet returned to France.
Wolfe Tone was aboard the flag ship with General Hoche.
Eighteen months later on May 24th the first battles of the
Rising of 1798 started at various locations throughout Leinster. On
June 6th Henry Joy McCraken’s United
Army of Ulster, made up mostly of Presbyterian,
assembled for battle. On the morning of June 7th Orr led a
contingent of Broadisland men to meet up with McCracken
at Donegore Hill on outside of Antrim town. Although as
many as 10,000 men assembled there less than 4,000 thousand marched
towards Antrim town to do battle. The ensuing
Battle of Antrim
which met with some initial success by McCraken’s forces was halted when
British reinforcements arrived from Belfast and began shelling rebel
positions with artillery. McCraken’s forces retreated towards
Ballynahinch where they set-up camp. On June 12th pursuing British
forces bombarded the town in a day-long barrage to dislodge and destroy
McCracken’s army. Those who survived the bombardment dispersed
into the surrounding area thus ending the Rising in Ulster. Orr
described the Battle of Antrim in one of his poem ‘Donegore Hill’.
Orr was amongst a small band of fighters that included
McCraken, James Hope and James Dickey who went into hiding around
Slemish mountain and the hills of south Antrim. As the hunt intensified
the group were forced to split into two groups to reduce their chances
of detection. Orr and James Hope managed to avoid capture and,
eventually, made good their escape by boarding a ship bound for America. McCraken was not so lucky. He was captured on July 7th on his
way to board a ship, also bound for America. He was subsequently tried for
treason and executed on July 17th 1798.
The journey across the Atlantic was anything but routine. Apart from
cramped quarter and rough seas the ever present threat of being waylaid
by prowling British warships on the lookout for escaping United Irishmen
and Irish-born sailors whom they would impress into the Royal navy.
Orr’s fear of been captured evaporated when the ship sailed into the
mouth of the Delaware. He disembarked at New Castle six miles south of
Wilmington in Delaware.
There is scant information as to where he eventually settled or what he
did during his time in America. Some accounts have him working for a
newspaper. It’s possible that he moved further up the Delaware to
Philadelphia, the largest city in the United States at that time and the
home to one of the major seaport on the east coast. It was also a
preferred destination for the Scots-Irish due to its religious tolerance
and business acumen and ethics.
Irrespective of where he lived in America he returned to Ireland after
the hunt for rebels eased up. The 1801 Treaty of Amiens between the
British and French included a provision for “the
restoration of prisoners and hostages”. The French insisted that the
leaders of the 1798 Rising be included. Whether that had anything to do
with Orr’s situation is, at best, conjecture. Perhaps it was the
subordinate role he played in the Rising that allowed him to return
without facing sanctions. It’s also possible that the blood lust pursued
by the ruling Protestant Ascendancy(2) against the rebels had somewhat abated by then.
Back in his beloved Ballycarry, Orr resumed his weaving
and literary endeavors. He also tended to the small tract of land he
inherited from his father.
He published his first volume of poems in 1804.
A common practice at that time was to enlist sponsors who paid him for a
copy of the finished work. He also had poems published in
various publications including the Belfast Magazine, the Belfast
Commercial Chronicle and the Belfast Newsletter. A second volume of his
poem was
published, posthumously, in 1817.
He was an active member of the local Masonic Lodge.
He wrote numerous songs and poems for several local Lodges including the
"Craftsmen of Ballycarry" and the "Dying Mason".
Orr died on the 24th April 1816 and is buried in the graveyard at
Templecorran. In 1831 a monument was erected over his grave by local
Masonic Lodges. The monument was re-dedicated by The Provincial Grand
Lodge of Antrim in 2014. For detailed information on the dedication of
the monument and the inscriptions on its façade click on the following
Restoration of The
Orr Memorial in Templecorran Cemetery, Ballycarry. |
Contributor: Tomás Ó Coısdealbha
1, The stated intent of the Penal Laws, which were primarily directed at the native
Catholic population was to, 1) deprive the native
Catholics of all civil life, 2) reduce them to a
condition of ignorance and, 3) to dissociate them from
the soil. These repressive and draconian laws,
originally directed at the catholic population, were
amended over time to curb the growing influence of the
Presbyterians whose loyalty to the realm was suspect.
According to Edmund Burke,
an Irish political philosopher,
the Penal Laws were "a
machine of wise and elaborate
contrivance, as well fitted for
the oppression, impoverishment
and degradation of a people, and
the debasement in them of human
nature itself, as ever proceeded
from the perverted ingenuity of
2, The Protestant
was the political,
economic, and social
domination of
Ireland by a
minority of
Protestant clergy,
and members of the
professions, all
members of the
Established Church
of Ireland or Church
of England from 1691
through the 1920's.
NAME: Templecorran
Ballycarry, Co. Antrim, Ireland

here to view monument inscription 1
here to view
monument inscription 2 |